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Paul Wong
New York, NY
B.A., Moorhead State U.; M.F.A. in Lithography at UW-Madison

Paul  Wong's work was exhibited in
The Seven Deadly Sins
 the 1993 annual Artist Members Exhibition
CD Set: The Seven Deadly Sins
Guiding Hands
 Center for Book Arts 1992 faculty show
Life is Short
(1992) Paper, pigment, embossed gold leaf.
Dieu DonnéPapermill: 15 Years
 an exhibition showcasing fifteen years of collaborations in handmade paper
Vitreous Humor
(1986) Encaustic and handmade paper on canvas
Watermarked cover for CITY SKIES
(1979) Poems by Terry Nash. Paul Wong publisher
In memeory of Terry Nash, 1954-1990
1991 Spring/Summer Faculty Show
(1987) Handmade paper

©2014 Center for Book Arts, Incorporated 1974

A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization
28 West 27th Street, 3rd Floor. New York, NY 10001