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Ballerina, The -- Why, Daddy, Why?

Teresa  Salkin

Photographs, fabric, ribbons
12 x 4 1/2 x 12 in (opened)
number 1
edition of 1

"Why, Daddy, Why?" is the story of a little girl who has an adoring daddy and her memories of special moments with him. However, slowly this daddy begins to change and the little girl questions some of the frightening things he starts to do to her. The last two figures in the book transform from color to black and white suggesting the magical awareness fo childhood, but also the inevitable dark reality that eventually overcomes such innocence.

©2014 Center for Book Arts, Incorporated 1974

A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization
28 West 27th Street, 3rd Floor. New York, NY 10001