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Deep, The

Gloria  Helfgott

Scroll inserted in accordion fold book of mixed media (threads, sequins, shells, wood) with nautical maps. Box contains list of shipwrecks off the coast of Massachusetts.
8 1/4 x 16 x 5 1/2 in

I start a book with a title or a conceptual pun. The title, which may not be the title at completion, suggests the shape the book will take. The book offers me a vehicle for exploring multiple variations on an aesthetic idea. My first image is somewhere in the center of the so-called text, so that I can work forward and backward and am not locked into any preconceived "story." I cut or "open" pages to reveal the previous and succeeding images. Traditional binding forms are used to enable the structures to open and close with ease, the imagery remaining primary. I approach the box which holds the book as miniature architecture, related aesthetically and structurally to the book. Alternate materials and found objects prompt my curiosity and drive an ongoing experimentation with solving the engineering problems of a book. My current work involves boundless structures utilizing circular forms allowing me to explore continous narratives.

©2014 Center for Book Arts, Incorporated 1974

A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization
28 West 27th Street, 3rd Floor. New York, NY 10001