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From Dreams to Ashes

Robbin Ami  Silverberg

1995-2000; Dobbin Books, two books in slipcase, mugwort and matches papers, with inkjet photos and text on matches
edition of 4
published by Dobbin Books

I approach the artists' book as a complex container of information that allows me to develop narrative information through the contextual language of the medium. // The link, therefore, between form, content, and ultimately presentation rests on a personal notion of expression based on the materials used. // The text in the larger book "From Dreams to Ashes" is a poem about an actual nightmare; it is written on unburned matches embedded into the paper; made from mugwort, a common weed that was earlier used to stuff pillows in the belief that it brough vivid and prophetic dreams. // [ . . .] In 1998 in Japan, I found a dusting brush actually made from the pages of a cut up book. In response to this almost confounding choice of disposable materials, I manufactured my own dustes in this small edition. The text reflects on this astounding use of a book and the concerns a book-cum-duster can only elicit.

©2014 Center for Book Arts, Incorporated 1974

A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization
28 West 27th Street, 3rd Floor. New York, NY 10001