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A Gulf

Paul  Dean

edition of 500

"A Gulf" was inspired by media coverage of the Persian Gulf War, but more specifically by the reporting of that war by "The News-Leader" (Springfield, Missouri), my primary news source at the time. Among the features in that paper during the frenzy of war coverage was a column dedicated to explaining the war to children. My outrage led to me to create a series of collages using only "The News-Leader's" war issues as source material. I edited these down to the pages of this book, which is relatively tiny to suggest the small-mindedness of this coverage and the distance, the gulf, between the reality of the war and the newspaper's lopsided simplification of it. "A Gulf" came from a desperate need deep inside me to say something, rather than nothing, in the face of a tragedy in which I, as an American, like it or not, was a participant.

©2014 Center for Book Arts, Incorporated 1974

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