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Back and Forth
November 1, 1982 - November 30, 1982

small scale book art exhibits: folded book forms by Axel Heibel

organized by  Norman B.  Colp

Axel  Heibel
Buchobjekt B,2
Buchobjekt C
Buchobjekt H,7
Buchobjekt I
Buchobjekt I,1
Buchobjekt I,1
Buchobjekt O,2
Buchobjekt Q
Buchobjekt Y,1(2)
Buchobjekt Z
(1985) mixed media

©2014 Center for Book Arts, Incorporated 1974

A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization
28 West 27th Street, 3rd Floor. New York, NY 10001