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King Library Press
, KY

 's work was exhibited in
Literate Letterpress
 an exhibition of finely printed editions of works by contemporary authors
37, avenue Samson, Cimitière Montmartre by Guy Davenport
(1985) Printed and published by King Library Press. Printed in Canterbury on Rives paper. Broadside. Signed by the author.
Les Prix Nobel by William Faulkner
(1985) Printed and published by King Library Press. Printed in Caslon on Rives paper. Broadside. A line drawing of William Faulkner heads the text.
Saraha by Robert Bringhurst
(1984) Printed and published by King Library Press. Printed in Goudy Oldstyle on Rives paper. Broadside. Signed by the author.

©2014 Center for Book Arts, Incorporated 1974

A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization
28 West 27th Street, 3rd Floor. New York, NY 10001