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Oliphant Press 
Oliphant Press

Oliphant Press  's work was exhibited in
Literate Letterpress
 an exhibition of finely printed editions of works by contemporary authors
Beyond 1984: Remembrance of Things Future by Ray Bradbury
(1979) Designed by Ronald Gordon at the Oliphant Press. Published by Targ Editions. Printed in Helvetica Light on Ragston paper. Quarter bound cloth with printed papers. Signed by the author.
Hawthorne's Creed by John Updike
(1981) Designed and printed by Oliphant Press. Published by Targ Editions. Printed in Baskerville on Nideggen paper. Quarter bound cloth with marbled papers. Signed by the author.
A DOZEN DAYS: Three Small Presses
 a series of small-scale book art exhibitions: Red Ozier Press, Oliphant Press and NADJA
Hawthorne's Creed by John Updike
(1981) Designed and printed by Oliphant Press. Published by Targ Editions. Printed in Baskerville on Nideggen paper. Quarter bound cloth with marbled papers. Signed by the author.
Nature's First Green by Henry Roth
The Collected Poems of James Graham, First Marquis of Montrose; edited by Robin Graham Bell
What Was It? By Fitz-James O'Brien with Drawings by Leonard Baskin

©2014 Center for Book Arts, Incorporated 1974

A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization
28 West 27th Street, 3rd Floor. New York, NY 10001