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April 4, 1981 - April 30, 1981

the book as container

organized by  Norman B.  Colp

Bruce  Bacon
Cloud Funnel (Floating)
(1981) cast plaster with mixed media
(1981) cast plaster with mixed media
Glider Book of Spare Parts (manual)
(1981) cast plaster with mixed media
Sas  Colby
A Puzzle-Which Does Not Belong?
(1979) sewn fabric with mixed media
household hints
(1980) sewn fabric with mixed media plus case
Carol  Crawford
(1981) painted plywood with photographs
Mary  Fish
Book of Gulls
(1978) silver-point, ink and typewriter type
William  Giersbach
A Geography of Manichea
(1978) airbrushed ink and acrylic paint with modeling paste on cast plaster
Book of Would
(1976) wood, brush, fiberglass and acrylic paint
Nature of Chiaroscuro
(1980) oilpaint on plaster and masonite
Susan  Gladding
A Marriage Manual
(1978) printed book with mixed media
American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, The
(1978) printed book with mixed media
Bookkeeping Theory and Practice
(1978) printed book with mirror
Industrial Geography
(1978) printed book with compass
Inside History of the White House
(1979) printed book with recording tape
Manual of Liability Insurance
(1978) printed book with glass
Jacqui  Holmes
Lost Music/Lost Songs
(1980) handmade paper with mixed media
Song from Home #13
(1980) handmade paper with mixed media
Song from the Earth #13
(1980) handmade paper with mixed media
Channa  Horwitz
(1979) Hinged book; lithographs.
Lawrence  Luchman
(1977) staplestitched book with printed letters and die cuts
(1974) staplestitched book with printed letters and die cuts
(1978) staplestitched book with printed letters, die cuts and colored paper
Frank  Paluch
Heading West - A Souvenir Album
(1977) mixed media book with padded vinyl case
Lois  Polansky
Family Album
(1979) handmade paper with photographs
(1979) handmade paper with photographs
(1979) handmade paper with photographs

©2014 Center for Book Arts, Incorporated 1974

A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization
28 West 27th Street, 3rd Floor. New York, NY 10001