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William Gibson

Award-winning science fiction author William Gibson first coined the term "cyberspace" in his trilogy: "Neuromancer," "Count Zero," and "Mona Lisa Overdrive." His latest book, "The Difference Engine" (co-written with Bruce Sterling) was released in paperback in January, 1992.

William  Gibson's work was exhibited in
AGRIPPA: (a book of the dead)
 a collaborative artist's book by William Gibson and Dennis Ashbaugh
AGRIPPA: (a book of the dead)
The deluxe edition of AGRIPPA was set in Monotype Gill Sans at Golgonooza Letter Foundry, and printed on Rives heavyweight text by the Sun Hill Press and by Kevin Begos Jr. The etchings were made by the artist and editioned by Peter Pettingill on Fabriano Tiepolo paper. The book was handsewn and bound in linen by Karl Foulkes. The housing was designed by the artist, and the encryption code used to destroy the story was created by (BRASH), with help from several other individuals who will go unnamed. The regular edition of AGRIPPA was also set in Monotype Gill Sans, but in a single column page format. It was printed by the Sun Hill Press on Mohawk Superfine text and the reproduction of the etchings were printed on a Canon laser printer. The book was Smythe sewn at Spectrum Bindery and is enclosed in a clamshell box.

©2014 Center for Book Arts, Incorporated 1974

A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization
28 West 27th Street, 3rd Floor. New York, NY 10001