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Ronald King
New York, NY

Ronald  King's work was exhibited in
The Deconstruction of Biblio Borders
 works from the Special collections of the Newark Public Library
Bluebeard's Castle
(1972) MONUMENTAL BOOKS Verse by Roy Fisher, designed by Ronald King. Illustrated with nine pop-up designs printed in 75 silkscreenings. This notable book is inspired by the famous Bartok/Maeterlinck operatic telling of the Bluebeard story. All of the constructed images are made to symbolize each scene represented by the secret rooms. The multicolor pop-ups, together with the varied types, are interspersed and interactive which result in a surprise in each fascicle. Now over a quarter of century old, this publication is a pure delight and of great interest to members of The Movable Book Society (which is organized to provide a forum for the greater appreciation of paper engineering and for pop-up creations in particular).
The Altered Page
 selections from The Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry
Bluebeard's Castle
(1972) MONUMENTAL BOOKS Verse by Roy Fisher, designed by Ronald King. Illustrated with nine pop-up designs printed in 75 silkscreenings. This notable book is inspired by the famous Bartok/Maeterlinck operatic telling of the Bluebeard story. All of the constructed images are made to symbolize each scene represented by the secret rooms. The multicolor pop-ups, together with the varied types, are interspersed and interactive which result in a surprise in each fascicle. Now over a quarter of century old, this publication is a pure delight and of great interest to members of The Movable Book Society (which is organized to provide a forum for the greater appreciation of paper engineering and for pop-up creations in particular).
Center for Book Arts: The First Decade
 an exhibition at The New York Public Library
Half-Year Letters, The by Roy Fisher
(1983) An alphabet book designed by Ronald King. Published by Circle Press, Guildford. Letterpress. 6 1/2 x 4 1/4 in opens to 6 1/2 x 109".

©2014 Center for Book Arts, Incorporated 1974

A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization
28 West 27th Street, 3rd Floor. New York, NY 10001